Hi everyone
It WAS a lovely morning (very early) - now ...... It's turning dull ! Now and again the sun is shining through but it's definitely not what 'it' was.
I'm feeling very excited today - it's all to do with finding huge inspiration via sorting with The ORDER. There is a story to tell. Yesterday, I came across a crate (this crate is not invited to tea - read earlier in the week for background on this). I'm going to call this crate 'The Squatter' - I wasn't entirely sure what was stored in The Squatter but it had been there for several years, deep in the Studio. Once evicted, I emptied it out and found some rubbish but also stuff worth saving - this is one of my major weaknesses, finding 'stuff' and then storing it, then forgetting ! However, I have several new ideas ! - another one of my problems.
Moving on .......... alongside The ORDER, I have lots of other responsibilities going on and one of them is to prepare some things for a charity sale next week. Fantastic, here comes The Squatter to my rescue. I have identified stuff from The Squatter for the job but ..... the stuff needs some attention and I need to spend time and effort designing and making products for the sale. I love recycling - gives an added 'value' for me. At this point, I need to inject 'realism' re time - I have very little time, especially at the moment and I don't want to loose sight of The ORDER. I need to complete The ORDER, no matter what !!
Having said all that, back to the exciting bit - one of the things in The Squatter was some pencils with some little people blanks on the end - a craft item for kids to decorate. I had used these pencil blanks for various events in the past and worked some kids parties using them. Mostly, I found kids are not able to handle the degree of skill needed to do a good job without lots of support and ideas and tools/ materials etc. - as a result, I have not used them and these pencils blanks have ended up in The Squatter.
Not sure why ? But Im drawn to the blanks and want desperately to make them 'brilliant' !! I could just chuck them or give them away but I think they would make great dolls on a stick - forget the pencil bit (too heavy for kids to write with anyway,when laden with elaborate decoration). I've done a bit of research and have found some fantastic examples on Pinterest. Here is one of my favourites

I know, these dolls are 'real pegs' but you get the idea. I am much enthused by my find. Getting back to the real world, I will probably make some very simple versions for the charity sale and then move on to do some good ones (post The ORDER).
Thursdays usually deal with a technique on the blog and the story Ive told today is a good example of today's technique. Im calling the technique my 'review procedure'. I mentioned using SMART tasks earlier in the week and I like the SMART approach but .... I've decided to adapt it. So, in summary my technique is about the process of incorporating review into each days SMART outcomes. I'm sounding like a management textbook here - I know Ive been there too ! It's an instant 'mind closer'.However, in my defence, it's simply to do with checking Im spending my time doing what's needed to be done - in order to complete the whole project. Another little story here for context. Last night, I found myself waiting to be a taxi for one of my kids and had an hour to pass ....... in that time, I wrote some notes in response to yesterday's tasks. I was in a space with no distractions and only a notepad and pen.
Here is a copy of my pages - there are more but very messy :

You probably can't read the detail but I will review the piece and develop it for my book. Linking the process to yesterday's outcomes re The ORDER, I have a clear, targeted action for the next task. I'm going to draw up these little tables each day in my Work Journal (the only way I get anything done any day !- if it's on the list it got a chance of getting done).
The only thing is, my outcomes don't deal with The Squatter et al (my most important session of the day) - they need to ! I need to plan action for the stuff Im going to keep and decide if this stuff can fit into the space/ future work ? In this case ie the pencil/peg dolls - I WANT it to feature and I need to consider how I can make it work. I'm now getting into the detail and I feel this is where I can find solutions of how to weave my way of working into my life. It's what I am and how I want to be.
On that note - hope you are still with me ! Wish me luck for today.
Bye for today.