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Wednesday 4 October 2017

Magazine Style

Hi Everyone
I'm sharing the focus of my Writing Day today with a possible cover idea for a new publication, very exciting. This publication will be in the form of a magazine/book and will contain six new Making Projects with a variety of additional, related articles and/or tutorial style information. This new (for me) project is in the design stage but I'm working on a sample and will produce an actual 'magazine', ready for publication (print and digital).
Here is a quick look at the initial cover idea, this is again, a sample idea but I quite like the format. The title is yet to be agreed but (I think)From Scratch will be in there somewhere. In my sample, I've just written Magazine Style - more discussions needed. My little collage features only one project but I'm hoping all six will appear in the final design, forming a sort of 'patchwork' of the projects, at a glance.


The projects will have a central theme but will use different materials and techniques and will be accessible to most Makers. My sample theme for this edition is 'Bracelets'. I'm looking at a range of styles, materials and techniques with additional information around famous bracelets and museum pieces.

I'll keep you posted about the development of the project and will share more details over the next few weeks.

Thanks for calling in today.

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