Hi Everyone
My efforts yesterday were very frustrating ! I had a plan to develop some sample pieces of jewellery (for a new workshop) inspired by my chosen photos (see yesterday's blog for details). I took characteristics of each of four pieces and produced my own. My restrictions were applied ie limited quantity of clay, limited tools and limited time. Given all these 'limitations' - Ive had to reconsider. I produced a reasonable copy of each design in a simple two colour design but needed way too much clay and more tools than we have available for the workshop. So, I had to compromise and develop another set of samples. Here are the designs

These are not the colours I will use for the actual workshop samples - I have a real problem with anything that isn't blue !!! Ive used blue because I have lots of it. I want to take the original workshop clay colours and mix them with a smaller proportion of bronze clay. This will have the effect of allowing the original clay to develop a common tone and work together well. These are my starting colours. I want to change these very bright colours into 'autumn' tones with a subtle soft glow. Fingers crossed.

I will, hopefully, work on these designs and mix the clay for early next week. Ive not cured the blue clay samples yet and I want to make some clay fastenings for all the items which will turn them into a necklace. Plenty more work to turn these ideas into a good workshop.
I think the most important thing I've learned today is that a basic range of tools is necessary, even for these very simple designs. I think, an acrylic roller and a slicing tool are essential. My last workshop worked well without these tools but only because the items were very small. Just a note - the flower design was just an indulgence on finding myself with a simple, experimental jelly role cane. I couldn't resist making the flower. Not my thing at all ! Not sure what I can do with it ?
Thanks for reading.
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