Hi Everyone
Ive had a lovely weekend, very busy and I now need a few days to recover ! Chores and house jobs were lined up and I felt I wouldn't achieve very much. However, all completed ! In addition, we had a family/ walk group walk yesterday. The walk was local to our town and initially quite 'tame' but proved very interesting and quite challenging and the weather was lovely - almost a Summer day again ! I fell into bed after the first episode of the new Downton Abbey on TV.
Today, I'm picking up on the jewellery workshop 2 development. After coffee and consulting with friends on Friday, Ive completely changed my plans. I'm going to make a bracelet instead. The idea will be to focus on clay mixing and colour development with stretchy bracelet production. Ive got a great sample but will mix more clay to form another bracelet with the actual clay colours. I'm hoping to complete that today. Alongside, I need to get some invites ready for more earring workshops. All go ! Ive got meetings this afternoon too. So busy day again, perhaps a lazy day on Tuesday ?
Here is a quick look at the stretchy bracelet which promoted the workshop idea.

Thanks for reading.
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