Hi Everyone
I’m sharing a few little projects which have been hiding in my stash for some time. Yesterday, I found myself re organising and reviewing my rather large stash collection, again. This is an ongoing problem for me. I have a very small space to fit lots of stuff and it doesn’t work very well. My latest attempt has been going on for some time ! Yesterday, I got around to spending a whole day working on the job. I have more work to do but at least there is a plan.
In the end, the job was OK, I had been putting it off because I knew it would be difficult. There is a need to get rid of lots of stuff but I needed to go through all the bags of tools/material to check which would be going. I don’t like throwing things out ! I’m forever thinking everything will be useful for a future project. However, keeping all the stuff is not possible, so I had a slightly different attitude, at the beginning of the day.
I came across lots of things which I’d forgotten about and for periods of the day, I quite enjoyed myself. Amongst the rubbish there were lots of gems ! My plan was to identify a use (specific) for each item and I’ve created a list. I’ll review my list, regularly and hopefully my storage options will improve when I have less stuff. The aim is to be able to access things, easily, when I need them.
While shifting through the bags of stash, I also came across lots of little unfinished projects. Some of the unfinished work has gone, it’s served a purpose and it’s time to move on ! However, there are also some lovely project ideas which I feel need finishing. I’ve chosen a couple of small projects for today, which are Christmas themed and I’d like to complete them for this year.

I partially made a dry felted Christmas Tree brooch last year. The tree is complete but needs a pin. I had made a pin but think it’s too big. I need something small with a much sharper pin. I’d like to wear my brooch with a big jumper later this week and will be able to finish it, in 10 mins. The other little tree is another dry felted project which I have started to add tiny beads. Most of the beads are in place and it’s very pretty. I’d like to turn the tree into a Christmas Tree decoration and hang it on my Christmas tree this year. I think, this job will be possible in less than an hour. I’ll look forward to that job.
There are a lots of other unfinished projects amongst the stash. My plan is to review the bags again and make myself a list of unfinished projects with an order date to finish. I’ll share my list with the results here on the blog. Perhaps, each week I can share updates.
Thanks for calling in today. Bye for now.