Hi Everyone
Yesterday, I talked about adding to the current painting of the week (now an official job each week !! - challenging I know !) and failed to do anything about it. However, I did have an idea even though it stayed in my head. It's now in the book to action ie the idea. My plan is to add a layer of purple in the form of a large stamped area. I know what I would like to achieve with this, so will get it done today. Will share the results tomorrow.
I did work hard yesterday, I did lots of sorting and some finishing of beads for specific earrings. I sanded one piece for ages and it worked out well. Prior to the sanding the clay colour mix made the bead look very messy. I think it's taken on a polished semi precious look.

I wanted the bead to have a very shiney side (without a varnish) to contrast with a highly textured front side. I want to re drill the hook holes next. I re shaped the wires too. Generally the earrings are good. They need to pass the quality test next.
I also spent time experimenting with the metal paint/wax stuff (I introduced this material last week
here) the application can be tricky depending on where the colour is intended to be. I was experimenting and wasn't sure where I wanted to put it. It's quite thick and covers well but not forgiving. I need to be sure of where the colour should end up. I think my best approach is the use the mixed media approach and layer. I will try this again and sand to reveal under layers. This is a skilled approach with this technique - if you are a bit heavy handed the sanding just takes all the layers away. However, I like the finish and will work at it until I have a good technique.

The red version has pewter metal paint on it - in a very thin layer. The base bead is in fact a pre painted white clay. Highly dyed by the initial baked in paint layer.

The next batch is navy bows on a translucent white clay and I think doesn't work so well with sanding. I think next time a navy/translucent mix would work.

This is a second layer after the navy painted bake. I like the flaked surface and will build another few layers. Ideally I would have added the hooks later but Ive baked them in here. The next photo shows the paint layer well - I hope to give the surface texture using this flakey paint feel.

The last green bows are getting there. This is a much lighter touch. I will enhance the edges a little more and keep the finish a dull sheen rather than a shine.

Moving on, my little stock books
here didn't get their labels yesterday. Today, Ive promoted this job to number 1 job today.
Talking of stock - Ive reorganised my shops !! This is a BIG announcement. I have 3 shops now. Folksy,Etsy and something called Big Cartel. All 3 are under development but I feel there is a logic to what I'm doing. The Folksy shop will be called thepapersac and will focus (for now) on paper related stuff or have a paper element to the items. The Etsy shop will be known as theARTsac and be more of an 'art jewellery' and paintings stock. The Big Cartel will be called 'THE E SHOP' and I intend to grow this in time but initially have 5 key pieces with more of an 'arty'/ statement feel. You can also get my stuff from a real shop in Felton, Northumberland called Gallery 45. I will do a piece on Gallery 45 in a few weeks. I have a small stock in there at the moment but have plans for a new range to be available soon. I'm happy with this arrangement and will stick with it for this year.
That's all my news for today.
Thanks for reading.