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Friday 2 June 2017

Plan B

Hi Everyone
It's Friday's update on the Hanabira crochet project - you can read more about this project here. If you are a regular reader you will know, I'd already started this project a few weeks ago. Well - it's been ripped out and the yarn has gone elsewhere and doing very nicely as another cardigan. However, I'm determined to make my Hanabira so it's Plan B time. The problem with the previous yarn was the weight. It was definitely much too lightweight - the resulting fabric was tight and very heavy. So, Plan B - I've acquired some new yarn - not exactly the yarn in the original pattern but very close. I'm hoping this new yarn will act as the patterns directs.

I haven't started working with the new yarn yet but having completed the initial neck section, I'm confident about how to start and I will complete a swatch before starting to check the gauge.
As I've said, the new yarn is a heavier weight and I'm  hoping the project will grow a little quicker than last time - I should be back on track soon. The colours in my photo are not quite showing the bright mustard/lime colour of the main part of the Hanabira. I'm very pleased with the new main colour - all is well there ! It's not quite the colour (again poor light is not giving a true mustard colour) of the first attempt but I will, of course, have a cardigan in that shade ! - again this is great news.  I also have a few more colours to choose from when it comes to the contrast sections, exciting choices to be made in due course, I'll decide when I get to the bottom and the sleeve cuffs.
I'm hoping this is it and I can get going later this afternoon. My hope is that I can set aside a little crochet time each day (as I did last time) and all will be well. I'll report on my progress next Friday.

Thanks for calling in today. Have a great weekend.

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