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Thursday, 15 November 2018

Felted Birds

Hi Everyone 
I’ve been working on a new Making Project- this time its a felted bird. I don’t want to talk about Christmas just yet (not before Dec. 1st) however, there’s festive theme involved. I’ve concentrated on a Robin but I’d also like to develop the idea and make something a little more exotic too. I started with a simple paper drawing which has turned into a template. I used the template to provide my Robin shape.
The Project will form the basis of a new Making Workshop so needs to be organised for a single session. I think, I’ve got the basic construction approach organised. I used a commercially produced felt fabric to make the shape the bird. A Dry felting technique is then used to add fibres to the bird with separate felted wings. I’ve also added a couple of beads to the bird (for eyes) and used some fancy feathers for the tail.


All the bits and pieces need to be secured in place and there will be an option to create the bird on a long stick or hang the bird on an ornate wire. I’ve yet to test out the wire option ! The bird is working progress and the detail will determine how the final ornament turns out. The idea is to make a kit available, in due course. One of our lovely Making Workshop teachers will also develop a similar bird and Im looking forward to seeing her version. Hopefully, together, we can produce a lovely thing ! I’ll share our final design in a week or so.

Thanks for calling in today.

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