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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Felting Flowers #2

Hi Everyone 
Today, I’m sharing ongoing developments of the wet felting project started last week. Here is my first post on the idea hereI had an idea for stitching and layering my initial wet felted fabric. I created and used little pattern pieces (see the link above for more on this) to cut some of the pink fabric into petals and have used my sewing machine to create a more solid whole flower shape. The flower, so far is a little delicate and I need to add more strength. My plan is to add a second layer of felt - possibly hand stitching or dry felting together ? The flower will become a brooch and will need to be strong enough to suppport some form of pin. This will dictate how the felted flower is developed. In theory, I currently have two pink brooches. I’ve pieced one flower together and have a second, shaped organic oval. Both elements have been machine stitched. I could combine the elements or develop two brooches ? Still not sure at this stage.


I quite like the single pink colour of my brooch ‘to be’ but I see some need for more embellishments. I’d like to keep things simple and am thinking about making something from Silver to add a central focal point ? At the moment, I’m considering designing and making a pin which could also add something on the front - as a central embellishment. There’s also an option to use another coloured thread to add subtle elements to the brooch.

My second brooch, the blue and green version - needs more development. I like the colour combination and the ball, in the centre. I’m planning to make more little balls and have a cluster idea for the centre - possibly six, seven balls ? I’m also thinking about shaping the outer (blue and green) petal, possibly making several smaller petals from the larger ? I’m thinking about using this finished flower for a bag embellishment rather than a brooch so this is giving me more freedom to make a much larger flower. I think, I’d like to add some beads and buttons to this version.

So, lots of decisions to make. I’m planning on experimenting later today. I’ll share the final brooches when they evolve.

Thanks for calling in today.

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