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Monday 16 September 2019

Spinning News

Hi Everyone 
Finally, I’m back on track with spinning projects. I’ve been looking at my wheel for some time, thinking about restarting and thinking of new spinning ideas. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to get my spinning going again ? I guess, it’s just time priorities. Life has been very busy lately and some things need to go. However, I’ve started again and thats the main thing. I have lots of fibre in my stash and most of the interesting stuff has come from a subscription to HilltopCloud fibre club (several years worth) I’ve stopped taking my monthly subscription but have lots of lovely fibre to use.


I have around 400gm of fibre in my project, I’m not sure exactly what I will make. This is a tricky total, it’s not quite enough for a garment but quite substantial for anything else. I have a few vague ideas but will keep thinking. For this spin, I’m going for a 2 ply DK yarn. The two different fibres in my spin are really interesting combinations and surprisingly similar to touch. Very soft and squishy. I’ve started with the darker blue mix which is a Shetland(25%), Merino(50%), Bamboo(25%) combination. The colour is called Airforce Blue. The other fibre is Corriedale(75%), Llama(25%). The second fibre is called Penicillin. Both fibres have lots of blue/grey shades and combine well together. The Airforce Blue is spinning into a darker, quite intense blue and I haven’t started the Penicillin yet, so am not sure how that will turn out ?
My preparation process is to separate the beautifully combed fibre into long, thin batches and fold into loose mini cakes . I aim to spin three little cakes each day. This may sound like a very small amount of spinning but it needs to become a habit and it ensures I’m making progress each day. I’m not ruling out more spinning time but that’s about what I can (mostly) fit into my day. However, I won’t beat myself up if I miss a day. The spin task is on my daily to do list each day and it’s going well.

I’m aiming to keep a picture record of my progress and I’ll be sharing the results here on the blog.

Thanks for calling in today. I’ll be back tomorrow with more Making stories.

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