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Thursday 27 September 2018

Making Pin Cushions

Hi Everyone 
Today, I’m featuring a new project, currently under development. This project is all about making a simple but very cute pin cushion. I’ve been inspired by a Pinterest image (check it out here ). The pin cushions in the image (see bottom right image in my photo story) are the very ones which have inspired me. I love the fabric and the whole presentation style of the bobbins.

I have a number of bobbins reels in my stash, unfortunately I feel they need to be slightly different in proportion. The inspiration bobbins are 7x5 cms and my reels are much taller and not quite so wide. I’ll be making a new order (to my husband) for the shorter and wider size. I love the look of the inspiration bobbins with their very pretty fabric and embroidered middle section. I’ll be trying something similar.
The inspiration bobbins are available for sale in an Etsy shop, look at the link (above) for details. 
I’ve done something similar before using a screw top jar so I have a good idea of how to make my pin cushion. I’ll make one first and refine the process. I’m hoping I can put together a few kits and develop the project into a Making Workshop. I’ll share the results of the project as it evolves.

Thanks for calling in today.

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