Hi Everyone
It’s the final push to finish my jeans project. This project has been my main focus for a couple of weeks and has on the whole, been a great success. I’m particularly pleased with the fit and the overall finish of the jeans. I think, I can use this exercise as a great basis for making all my jeans in the future.
The last bit of the Make is the buttons and rivets. I’ve been delaying this task for a few days. I have tested out a few of the components in my rivet box

I think, most of the rivets in my box will work OK, although I have a particular liking for the nipple rivet highlighted in my little photo story above. Having done a little research, this type of rivet is the most difficult to set without a machine ! I need to do a bit more practicing before I commit. I intend to set 10 rivets, either side of each pocket and on the top of each side seam. So, I need to have the technique ‘nailed’.
I also need to add the main buttons to my jeans. I’ve chosen the the buttons, a plain antique brass finish. I need to add 5 buttons, the jeans have a button closure (rather than a zip). The buttons are much easier to set. I’ve tested out the process and it’s worked well. I’m as confident I can be re attaching the buttons.
I also need to finish the hems. I’ve overlocked the bottom of each leg and will turn over to top stitch. There’s also an option to add a leather patch to the back of the jeans. This is part of the jeans pattern, Morgan Jeans by Closet Case. I’m not totally sure if I will add the leather patch ? I’ll take a day to decide and let you know.
Thanks for calling in today.